Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Hungary Knowland said today hfa'venlng or Interfering" to idea had been misinterpreted thaf a negotiated a had proposed such an agree- French fight with Agten ment with the Russians only t'onalists who are 11 Norway consented to it pendence He reported 2 Called on Soviet leaders toturn6d 'countries for a cultural exchange Harvest Begins in Oklahoma Dulles Seeks Arms Securiiy port Ptl by Snyder or near Stafford in Custer County He had 24U bushels from 12 seres weighing GO pounds per bushel Planting of sorghums got underway during the week in extreme western and northwestern Oklahoma but still were delayed in agree on a the grounds tills which would include 30- 810 1 nn)Ui-ui programs over would smount to putting -political such assistance on WASHINGTON wheatfarmeii wet Sonie C0lton and I8-' Secretary of State Dulles pledged each other' 8lso were Planlcd during the today the United Slates will never Dulles said at last were getting harvest oper-lwek 'disregard the views of its allies in made to Moscow 18 radio-TV gram minute networks this monthly i conditions proposal was months ago he and other leading figures would be will- Recreation Begun Program at Electro ELECTRA Tex June 11 Pastures continued to muke good'order make speed with the So- and that growth throughout the state de-jviet on an East-West dis- American ations underway The weekly federal-state crop-weather report said harvesting began during the past week in the southwest although fields still had (Spe spile heavy growth of weed ilarmament agreement Stockwater supplies were reported) At new conference he prom HpinH anmoh in p-ntral i ndant 0 £atl j'ised to avoid any proposal for aj Western trade not dried enough in central rw'calves were reported making good Europenn test disarmament zone men ts tb Red to permit combines to operate ing to appear 3 Reaffirmed on such programs his view that ciali-Electra's mcr rece controls on ship-tion program for boys China should be 8 through 18 years began Monday Registration was held Wednesday although young people who not register at that time do so fay contacting either Weather permitting the report said wheat harvest should be in tail swing in southwestern counties during the coming week the European governments'tougher than on exports to the themselves have decided what to Soviet bloc in Europe He implied do about this problem there was no difference on this remarks were clearlybctwecn himself and President may could gains with Movement to market slow For the first time this season temperatures fur the week ending today averaged above normal in aimed at reassuring 1 1 a i n'Eisenhower who said last week at However the harvest Is not ex-Oklahoma Highs ranged from nea and other Europcan na-la news conference he did not be- general through 80 degrees the beginning of the yong wjo f1Bve complained about! lieve that tougher control were pected to become Jerry Wilson or Eugene Dicdrick who will be in charge of the program being sponsored by the and Recreation Committee Elcctra hamber of Com- the central and north central week to the 80s at the end of the counties until June IS to 17 and) period and climbed past the 100-any showers or rains in the next degree mark in the extreme south west yesterday The highest reading was 103 at Altus yesterday confidential talks disarmaments net advantage to the West specialist Harold Stasscn has con- 4 Ruled out any move by the ducted in London with Soviet rep-' American government for resentatives Tliese complaints have indicated a fear that Stasscn and the Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin might work out a first-stage disarmament agreement involving Europe without full European participa tion Answering reporters' questions on other foreign policy problems Dulles also: 1 Rejected Sen Knowland's (R-Calif) suggestion that Norway quit the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in return for Russian withdrawal from Park of the CONSTIPATED? New laxative discovery without gag bloat Constipation is cawed by what doc- ing tors call a colon that instead Himuleiing relainina moil lure it should lieves robs the colon of night so much medsturs thst its contents gentle become dehydrated so dry that they women block the bowel: so shrunken that Superior Electron Graduated ELECTRA Tex June 11 Conic Gillum son of Mr and Mn Leonard Gillum was graduated from Oklahoma University Sunday with a BS degree in geology and minors in chemistry and physics lie plans to return for a masters degree in geology in September after summer work with the Humble Oil Company in Midland few days could further delay operations in that area Some acreage in the northwest will not be ready to cut until early July the crop-weather report said Continued wet fields caused more delay in plowing and planting operations and harvest of hay over much of the state and heavy rains toward the end of the past week caused some flooding further damage to small grain crops and more delay in planting the report added The federal and state crop observers said wheat still fa in some western and north-" western counties including the Panhandle and the acreage remaining for harvest is reported to have good yield prospects Wheat was being combined in 13 counties Tuesday Cotton County reported 14 per cent of its wheat has been harvested with Comanche and Stephens listing five percent combined The first 60-pound yield was re un-locks bowel blocks or gripe capacity pfw bulk So effect ye it TS-of even chronic constipation over-doeTto Colonaid is yet so smooth so it hu proved safe in critical stages of pregnancy to old style bulk salt or drug they fail to excite or etimulate the iaXtives Colonaid neither gags urge to purge that propels end expels floats nor gripes won't interfere with waste from your body absorption of vitamins and other vain- To regain normal regularity the dry able food nutrients in clinical tests shrunken constipating contents of did not cause rash or other reactions your colon which now block your It'a physiological fact: Exercise tones bowel must be remoistened Second body I And Colonaid exercise bulk must be brought to your colon your colon to tone it against constipate i-T-a-E-T-c-H smcuLATi it to tjon ovcrnightl Get Colonaid in action to a normal urge to purge easy-to-take tablet form at any drug Aid of all laxative only Colonaid counter today! Only 98c for the 60 the amazing new laxative discovery tablet package bring poll Uve relief poiiesaee Colonaid'i greet moiiturlz- at ksa then 2c per tablet FARRIS DRIVE-IN CLEANERS FREE ONE-DAY SERVICE IN BY OUT BY FIVE! No extra charge for this service! Free mothproofing and storage for the season 2218 HOLLIDAY PHONE 7-4615 SMASHED TRUCK KILLS A shattered truck lies beside the Santa Fe Railroad tracks in southeastern Colorado Tuesday after it was struck by a freight train Twelve farm workers aboard the truck were killed in the worst vehicular accident in Colorado history (AP Wirephoto) A Relief May Be Near For Tornado Victims Act Now! Before Mot Weather and Save! fflMBjd nBunn (GMfUTT CIFM WALTERS Okla June 11 American Red Cross representatives in Cotton County to handle rehabilitation work with victims of the May 24 tornado in the western portion of the county hope to complete processing of applications early this week Dale Jones who has maintained headquarters in the courthouse said 10 county families have made application for assi ance from the Red Cross Nine of IB trlj its Jail Krrarh Nrm WICHITA FALL! THAI nA WEDNESDAY rage a4 st Lawton Youths Face Charges LAWTON June 11 (ft-Comonch County Attorney Warren Crane filed chargee against seven Law-ton teen-aged boys this afternoon for their part in a raid on a Girl Scout camp near here the night of May 29 The youths were charged with outraging public decency in a complaint signed by Julian Howard manager of the Wichita Wildlife Refuge where the raid allegedly took place Girl scout leaden from Chicka-gha said the group that raided the camp used obscene language and exposed themselves indecently to the 31 young girls and five adult leaders Refuge manager Howard apprehended a half dozen of the boys and obtained the names of several others involved No time has been set for arraignment of the seven and the boys were not taken into custody immediately El WORLD FAMOUS GENUINE "HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED if REGULAR $20995 NOW! B095 the families are tornado victims and the tenth residents of the Hulen area lost heavily from the recent floods Jones said final closing work is ail that remains on the processing of the requests for assistance and Mike Finelli building advisor for the Red Cross is expected to furnish estimate of total destruction following a tour of the stricken area Victims may receive as outright gifts from the Red Cross such help as the following: clothing and maintenance repairs or rebuilding of owner-occupied homes household furnishings medical care hospitalization occupational supplies inventories and equipment Jones emphasized that the Red Cross does not replace all I from disasters of this type but meets those needs that the family cannot replace without undue hardship The tornado victims most of whom lost their entire possessions except the clothing they wore at the time the twister struck have ofjreceived help from a number of voluntary sources Sympathetic friends and neighbors have come to their aid with temporary residences and replacement of much clothing and household needs A tour of Walters business houses financial contributions which wen distributed among the affected families In addition a receiving station was set up at the courthouse for accepting clothing bedding furniture and other necessities and those who manned the post said they were amazed by the generous donations Tornado victims were allowed to search through the collection of items and select clothing and others items suitable for their use At Ahpeatone the nearest community center to the tornado area a shower was held with area residents making a variety of offerings Ul CIFM COMPLETE WITH FACTORY N0WI INSTALLED PUMP FLOAT AND GRILL LI Bible School Begun at Hollis HOLLIS June 11 (Special) Vacation Bible school began at the First Baptist Church Saturday and will continue through Saturday June 22 with opening hour at 8:30 each morning it was announced by Mn Marvin Williams superintendent of the school All boys and girls between ages three arid 16 yean are invited to attend The Bible school gives training in worship Bible study memory work missions music character stories pupils' books and handicraft expressionai and creative activities Mn Williams said Workers are: Nursery children under three Mrs Cecil Trammell Mn Lloyd Cleveland Mn Fred Crowley Mn A Womack and Mrs Bobby Grissom Nursery II 3-yean Mrs Jim Darnell Mrs Bill Ford Mrs Eddie Levick and Mn Smith Beginners 4 and yean Mrs Keith Mrs Jess Hayes Mrs Bryan Putnam Mrs Sid Bouck Mn Don Groves and Fredda Putnam Primary 6-8 years Mrs LeRoy Howell Mn Robert Scott Mrs A Wilkinson Mn Charlie Cope Mn Wendell Cleveland Mrs Loran Bradley Mn Dewey Caswell Mrs Boyd Pierce Mn Electro Officials Publish May Reports ELECTRA Tex June 11 1 The Electra police and fire reports for May are: Police arrests: Drunks 21 disturbance 4 sleeper 1 outside warrant 2 runaways 2 investigation 1 profane language public place 1 DW1 and WLS 1 affray 3 resisting arrest 1 threaten with dangerous weapon 1 vagrancy 1 Reported theft under $30 4 reported burglary and robbery 2 Traffic arrests: Disturbance with car 1 failure to grant right of way 2 leaving scene of accident 1 reckless driving 2 no drivers license 4 restricted zone parking 1 exceeding safe speed 1 running red light 17 speeding 7 excessive noise 5 defective lights 1 no parking zone 1 parking in alley Fires: In city: car 2 house 1 false alarms 1 country: truck 1 FREE NORMAL INSTALLATION Trade-in on your old cooler a new 4000 CFM by ALPINE on All New ALPINE Exclusive Features DIP GALVANIZED' ALPINES LAST YEARS LONGER! Seven automobile accidents Leon White Mrs Billy Mills Mn Burk Elevators Show Light Yield were investigated in the city with a total estimated damage to can of $2273 Duane Laney and Mn Hampton Michael Junior I 9-10 yean Mn Raymond Keith Mrs Darnell Mn Blynn Bennett Mn Bill A i BURKBURNETT Tex June 11 With wheat harvest erne-half finished in the Burkbumctt area approximately bushels of wheat has been to the local elevators additional 35000 bushels of BILLS DUE? PAY' EM! with Mitchcll Manha Motley Mn Biii about Cole Mrs Dub Nell and Mn Jim Iiubanks Junior II 11-12 years Mrs I-e-Roy Bridge Mn Tom Everett (Special) 200000 brought An Exclusive MICROGLAS FILTER Another wonderful 1957 innovation by Alpine the new Micraglas Filter in made af fine-apun glaax fiber Microglia filler out dual and pollen from incoming eool air am Jwwwkjs' RTUi AAMWvvi r'J Exclusive FLOWTROL GRILL Mn Cleo Gallop Mn Jim Cun-038 a0( 34000 bushels of barley ningham Mn Marcus McClana-iiave 06611 harvested according CASH front SIC lian Doris Caswell and Mrs Paul10 reports of the two grain ele-81 1811 Metcalf vators in Burkbumett Intermediate 13-16 Mn Tom' 8688011 preceding and McBrayer Mn Joe Garrison 1the harvest period has Mn Leland Crabb and Mn Cecil reduce the test and also 'How in the name of common sense do we get into these jams? Flowtro! Grill by Alpine offen yon entirely new concept In cool air 0 the yield as so much of the wheat was damaged by wind hall and wet weather Most of the wheat Is fading about 55 per cent and the yield per acre though not yet known is expected to be about hall normal There are approximately 20 custom combining crews operating in the area each having from two to eight machines in the fields Luker Serving on refreshment committee are Mn John Boyett and Mrs Hubert Faulks General officers of the school are in addition to Mrs Williams the pastor Rev Robert Jack-son Mn Jackson Mrs Clarence Vanderberg Everett Claiborne and Mrs Sam Crow Commencement will be Saturday evening at 8 pm when the public fa invited to attend Exrluaive FLOW EQUALIZER Another marveloua device which an urea a constant even flow la all pad arena Flaw Equalizer prevent! any nosaible due to water pressure fluctuation ALPINE COOLERS FIT CAsem*nT WINDOWS WITHOUT CUTTING METAL Owing people all over town aure we know all about it Not a oul who work at SIC who hasn't been in the aarne jam But min how we do help folk OUT of tint jai LOOK: ia $2794 a let of money? Well $2794 a month fa what it takes to repay that $381' SIC loan (24months) Subject to usual credit regulations naturally But think how much better your credit over town will be with thorn hilla PAID! SIC LOANS tmilhwum hvMbnwrt Go LAMAR AT SEVENTH PHONE 247788 Wichita Falla Texas Exclusive BLOWER WHEEL Alpine patented drain blew rr wheel give yon 19 more deep-pitched bladra Alpine1! blower trheela are dynamically balanced and pretested to provide for imooth quiet Bill Approved Visit Watson-Camp's Cooler City 'The Best Place in Texas to Get Your Air Conditioner Hank Rate Terms After tlic Sale99 WASHINGTON W-A bill authorizing construction of a water salvage channel and a salinity alleviation works on the Pecos River in New Mexico was approved by a House Interior subcommittee NOTICE I.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.