Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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At Vernon Wichlitt Jfalls Urmrii YMCA Fund Drive Still $33000 Short of Goal Nine File In School Ballot Page IB FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 6 1959 reach the capital fund total goal not been contacted by a workerlcheck or money to the YMCA turns which came to a total of $22630480 brought out the fact that only $33500 is needed to from the Texas Electric Service Company Medders in viewing these re and would like to donate to the or telephone and ask for a worker East Branch fund should sendto call of $260000 He asked that anyone who has Max Kreuti as chairman turned in $4297 section four under Carer McGregor Jr reported $7967 Uriel Griggs Jr' as chairman of section five returned $10930 for a total of $31417 for the divirion The Professional Division section one with Dr Daly as chairman reported $6940 section wo under Dr Dobbins re-urned $1237 and section three under Clyde Fillmore reported $2135 for a total of $10312 In the Firms Division Jones Irl Montgomery headed section one to report $2023 section two returned $2230 with Dick Harris as chairman Tom Medders led section three to report $2777 Doughty as chairman of sec tion four reported $8092 for a total of $13122 In the East Branch Division section me led by Dr Leffall reported $1902580 A Wilson as chairman of section two returned $13313 for a total of $3233880 During the breakfast meeting Medders called attention to the large single donation of $5000 More than 100 workers attended the final report meeting of the East Branch capital fund drive in the YMCA Thursday morning and heard Tom Medders give a breakdown of progress made by the group toward their $260000 god The five divisions of the drive had returned a total of $22630480 in donations with some cards not reported according to Medders The workers agreed to continue work on all cards not reported an effort to reach the set goal by Thursday evening March 12 the night the victory banquet is scheduled In the YMCA In the Advanced Gifts division section one under Waggoner as chairman reported $72800 collected section two under Jack Staley reported $39465 section three under Harry Lane turned $26850 fir a total of $139115 The Central Division section one with Walter Coleman as chairman reported $5743 section two under Dr Jerry Broadway returned $2480 section three with Come see the newest clothes for the young miss in our Teen-age Girls Style Show YWCA Auditorium Saturday March 7th 10:30 am Sponsored by the Y-Teen Girls Models from different schools: VERNON Texas (Special) -Names of nine men will appear on the ballot for election of three trustees for the Vernon Independent School District Dr Allen Kavanaugh superintendent announced Thursday Last two men to file were Bird Robertson Jr and A Duke Jr Both filed Wednesday after noon a few hours before the midnight deadline The school board election will be held April 4 Members of the Vernon School Board met Thursday at 12:45 pm at the Board of Education Building to hold a drawing for places on the ballot Names of candidates will appear on the ballot in the following order: Marvin Price Jr Bird Robertson Jr (Ed) Biggs Jr Hill Robert Henry A Duke Jr Maurice Oliver (Pete) Code and Travis Phillips Board members whose terms expire this year none seeking re-election are Roy Nors worthy Howard Wilson and Bill Wright Holdover members are Raymond Steele currently serving as president and Harry Sinclair Cleddie Palmer and Leroy Conner The three men receiving the highest total vote among the nine candidates will be named winners In the trustee race Candidates are not paired hi school board elections The three men elected win serve three-year terms The terms of Palmer and Sinclair expire in 1960 with terms of other two members expiring in 1961 Burglary Case Set For Trial Deeana Camp Huey Melinda Cowan McGaha Becky Wood Sam Houston Ninell Musick Wichita Falls High School Jennie Stephens Austin Cyntra Dodds Alamo Miss Ann Orrick Jane Burt Ben Franklin Julie Klein Barwise Linda Watts Crockett Paula Baumgardner Carrigan Kay Wright Cunningham Rote Anderson Harrell Cynthia Hurd Zundy Commentator: Deputy Sheriff Is Named Here Doyle Eugene Davi of 4209 Idlewood has been named deputy sheriff Sheriff Weldon Bailey announced Thursday Davis 30 will replace Wayne Vaughan who resigned to enter private business here Davis a native of Gay County is a former Wichita Falls policeman He resigned Iran the form about eight months ago Mowing service of three and one-ha years Since he left the force Davis has been in construction business here Sheriff Bailey said Thursday he was fortunate to secure an officer with the experience and qualif cations of Davis Davis will start Saturday Sheriff Bailey said Here are uit two styles from our smart Collection for Teen-age Girin Left Connie Sage pure linen sheath dress In olid beige or navy with checked jacket to match Trimmed with white linen cellar and pearl buttons 6 to 14 Teen sizes 1291 Right: Connie Sage silk organza dress In solid white with push-up sleeves pearl buttons and embroidered skirt 6 to 14 Teen sizes 2491 Court Decision Brings Blast From Officials Two members of a nation-wide burglary gang are scheduled to be tried here Monday for the at tempted burglary of a Wichita Falls bakery Alfred Ray Bradshaw 23 who faces life imprisonment if convicted on all three counts of an habitual criminal indictment and his partner CHlie Chester Wilson 26 a hardened ex-convict are the first two men to be called in 30th District Court Monday Their women companions Darlene Bradshaw and Jacqueline Anderson also have been set for trial next week Bradshaw and Wilson are the first two of a 27-case criminal docket posted by District Attorney Tolly Wilson Thursday morning The pair was arrested by a cordon of city police thrown around Taystee Bakery here Feb 19 They were released on bond shortly after their arrest and posted new bonds following their indictments by the grand Jury Feb 22 Bradshaw Is scheduled to be tried in Mississippi Monday Parker Square Only BELASCO MEMENTOES NEW YORK (AP) -Momentoes from the office of David Belasco colorful Broadway producer during the early pvt of the 30th Century now decorate a banquet room at a favorite theatrical restaurant Paneling beams and decorations from the studio atop the Belasco Theater are being used OKLAHOMA CITY (AP Gov Howard Edmondson the state' safety commissioner and the criminal court of appeals Thursday expressed their views on a Me'i dismissal of a liquor Ing charge against a motorist aaaght in a Highway Patrol safety aback Commo Pleas Judge Paul decision to dismiss the charge against Oklahoma City businessman Cedi Gibson disagreement from both Edmondson and Safety Commissioner Joe Cannon Gibson was stopped at a roadblock near Bixby in what the patrol oalled a routine drivers I-cense check A trooper filed the liquor transportation charge because he claimed a bottle of whisky was on the car seat Walker maintained the liquor was seised illegally and commented he believe the patrol had a right to stop a motorist unless a trooper sees a crime committed or has a warrant Edmondson insisted the appeals court has ruled the patrol has authority to set iv safety-check roadblocks If the trooper sees a botti of whisky in plain sight Edmoni son maintained he can make an arrest because transportation of any liquor in Oklahoma is illega Cannon who took up the issue at the University of Oklahoma law school said the patrol has "the right to stop cars to check mechanical defects or drivers censes" "If a patrolman sees liquor in plain sight in the car he has right to make an arrest" Cannon said Edmondson cited an appeals court ruling which upheld the arrest of a bootlegger by a trooper who knew the whisky hauler' drivers license had been revoke! Two of the three appeals court Judges corroborated the governor' recollection in the case but quick-V pointed out: "This whole thing is based on food faith subterfuge is substituted for good faith the trial court has the discretion to dismiss the case" Sketched loft fa Hghti A Ric-Rac trimmed coaV dress in Aqua or Straw berry In Tucked back sleeveless sheath dress In Lilac Ice or Pink Ice Pique trimmed eoatdress In Lake Blue or Strawberry lea Button detail step-in sheath dress In Lake Blue or Honey Toast also avail able In Arnel-cotton check in brown blue or pink with white Downtown and Parker Square 098 Ipo'ie smart budget priced combed cottons Pure oyl Combed cotton dresses as seen In Seventeen dresses you'll love to live In wrinkle resistant cotton charmers In a palette of lovely shades beguiling styles for every occasion and mood So enchanting In sizes I to 15 ORDCR BY MAIL ADD S5c FOR POSTAGE AND HANDLING McClurkan's Wichita Falls Texas Please send me the following Bobbie Brooks combed cotton dresses at $998i MORE TIME FOR GUILD NEW YORK (AP) Lawrence Languor and his wife Annina Marshall are giving up a long time summer theater project order to concentrate mure upon the activities of Theater Guild The Langners have turned over operation of the Westport Conn Country Flayhouse to Henry Weinstein a business associate and Laurence Feldman an attorney The couple had directed the Playhouse for 28 years NAME Charge ADDRESS Cash CITY STATE MQ Ji i- i i uuMumam wi.

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Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.