The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

THE TAMPA TRIBUNE November 28, 1979 Section Bilecki Makes Early Bi-: Win dies The Morning After Tom McEwen Sports Editor Crescitelfi scored two goals and Mike to offset Baralic's first goal off an Anderson' assist at 31:25 and it was Ir-vmgs goal at 38:25 that put the Wes McLeod one each as the Rowdies overcame a sluggish third period to put their arch-rivals away before a crowd of 2,834. "it is alwavs nice to eet the first Strikers ahead, 4-3, for the first time in win." said Rowdies Coach Gordon Jago, the game. "and it was especially nice because of "It is very difficult to come, in in in-the way we were able to come back." door like, DuBose said. They With Bilecki firmly control ana were snooting well, the ball was coming Sports Show Is Active Breakfast Bonus: Over your small glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice on cracked ice, creamed leftover Anderson eettine both his goals, the off the boards and I got caueht off back of the net. The final score was 8-1.

Despite that meager beginning, the Rowdies kept Bilecki and he wound up being the keeper in the Soccer Bowl after shuffling in and out of the lineup with Winston DuBose all year. Tuesday night, Bilecki gave notice he would like to keep the job permanently. "Playing the first, second and fourth periods of the Rowdies' first-ever North American Soccer League regular season indoor game against the Fort Lauderdale Strikers, Bilecki didn't yield a goal and was the key figure in the Rowdies' 6-4 triumph. Bilecki, eight pounds lighter and 100 percent more fit than a year ago, made 15 saves and veterans Peter Anderson and Peter Baralic scored two goals apiece and Jan Van Der Veen and By JIM HENDERSON Tribune Sports Writer WEST PALM BEACH Nine, months ago, Zeljko Bilecki came in out of the cold of Toronto to the warmth of Tampa looking for a goalkeeping job with the Tampa Bay Rowdies. "I was a guest," he says now, "and they (the Rowdies) gave me a test." The test was some playing 'both outdoors and indoors, against the famed Moscow Dynamo team from Russia.

Bilecki got through the outdoor game all right, giving up one goal in a l-l tie. Then, on Feb. 19 at the Bayfront Center in St Petersburg, the Yugoslo-vian goalkeeper appeared to sew up a one-way ticket home. Before Bilecki could bend his 187 pounds over to tie his shoes, the Rus-sians put five first period goals in the again. The rest is history.

The Rowdies held firm, McLeod got an insurance goal at 58:45 and Tampa Bay became 1-0 in the NASL East. Jago said he returned to Bilecki be-cause of the experience factor and because of the experience factor and because DuBose had no't had much train- ing indoors in the presesason. "Zeljko has been training very hard indoors with us," said Jago, "and Winston has just come back from playing with the national-team and is leaving again (for England). is what I have said the goalkeeper position. Jt is the hardest, position to adjust to from outdoor to indoor.

Zeljko has his angles down and Winston is still going to the post and See ROWDIES, Page 6C Thanksaivina turkey on white toast, second off a John Gorman assist, the Rowdies took a 2-0 halftime lead and appeared in complete control jof the game. "It looked then," said Gorman, "that if we could get one more goal, it would be a walkover." But DuBose replaced Bilecki, had trouble with the boards, and before the could say "Kick In The the Strikers had shot to a 4-3 lead. Tony guard once or twice. But we came back and that is what is most important." DuBose was still around when the Rowdies began making their comeback! late in the third period. Baralic's second goal off Anderson's second assist at 42:35 tied it at 4-4 and Van Der Veen? put Tampa Bay ahead to stay with an unassisted tally at 43:43.

With it 5-4, Rowdies, at the third' period break, Jago went back to Bilecki small slab of leftover pranberry sauce, three slices of chilled Ruskiniomatoes with mayonnaise, large glass of cold milk, coffee and several bites of mouth-cleansing breakfast There was a time when sports activities hereabouts slowed a bit this time of No more. In addition to the key high school iiui.iMiii i nviii null uir iianKCLun i HB Downs Horsem*n May Retaliate By Boycott games now underway, also upon us is this sports variety show: -The soldout Tampa Bay Buc-Chicago Bear game at Tampa Stadium Sunday, r' The one-day Easter Seal Pro-Am Golf Tournament at Carrollwood next Monday, one featuring such players as 1 Andy Bill Kratzert, Jerry Pate, Gil Morgan, Frank Beard, Wayne Levi and two dozen others; The University of South Florida opener at Eckerd Friday and then the USF-University of North Carolina game at the Bayfront Monday, a game originally booked to dedicate the troubled Sun Dome coliseum on the South Florida campus; The $400,000 JCPenney Golf Classic, teaming the men and women professionals, begins with a pro-am Wednesday, Dec. 5 and runs through Sunday Dec. 9 at Largo's Bardmoor. 1 The Tampa Bay Rowdies open their home indoor season Friday, Dec.

7 at St Petersburg's Bayfront; And for the horse fanciers, Florida Downs opens its meeting Thursday, Dec. 6. Gators Win! It's been awhile since Florida Gator football fans have had anything to cheer about. Theydo today. The Florida junior varsity Monday defeated Florida State in Gainesville, 44-27.

The Gator quarterback? Chris Fisher, younger brother of ex-Florida quarterback Jimmy Fisher. By KEN ROSENBERG Tribune Sports Writer OLDSMAR The decision Mon- day by the Florida Pari-Mutuel Commission propose a no-medication rule that would ban the use of buta-zolidin created 'a frenzy Tuesday among horsem*n at Florida Downs, who are so outraged by the decision they are considering a boycott in retaliation. "When I got out to the track a today," said Bob van Worp, head of the local chapter of the Horsem*n's Benevolent Association, "there was pandemonium. Fifty guys must have grabbed me by the back of my neck. "The main talk was about boycotting the entry box.

Right now, it's a possibility. When the rule is finally implemented, I'd say it's a probability." The recommendation, adopted by a 4-1 vote with Cope Newburn of Tampa the lone dissenter, still has to be approved by Gary Rutledge, the pari-mutuel" division and Gov. Bob Graham, a mere formality. It is not expected to be implemented, though, for another six-to-nine months, which would not affect the Florida Downs season that begins Dec. 6, a week from Thursday.

v- The state would like to, use the interim period specifically for testing, with Florida Downs acting as a guinea Van Worp, who attended the Tallahassee hearing, painted a picture in which testimony was never even considered by the commission, whose mindsi he claimed, were made up beforehand. "Personally," said van Worp, "we were shanghaied. It was voted down summarily in what I think is a bad move, for the horsem*n, the bettors, the tracks and the state. "I can't see any good coming out of it. There'll be less horses at the track, which will mean smaller fields, less money being bet, less money going to the tracks and consequently less money going to the state.

"It was done with the pretense that by banning butazolidin the state would attract better horses. But from what I understand, Spectacular Bid ran on bute and so did, a lot of the other major stakes winners." By his own estimate, van Worp figures that 67-75 percent of all horses racing at Florida Downs last year were treated with butazolidin, which is considered a medication and not a narcotic, such as subli- maze. In its ruling, the commission did not cite any evidence of ill effects of butazolidin on horses, but claimed that when administered, bute has a masking affect on other medications and drugs. See BUTE, Page 6C uui ui lampa rung, risner nas watched from the sidelines, working with the scout team, as Florida coaches went with quarterbacks other than him. the last two vears.

A Coach Named Bum: What Can He Know? Fisher passed for 178 yards and two touchdowns. The Gators made the most of early FSU errors' to take a 20-0 first quarter lead. FSlTs kicking game kept the young Seminoles in trouble. One punt went about 45 yards up and little more. The result was a minus 7-yard punt.

The Gator jayvees beat Miami, 7-6, earlier in the year and Central Florida of Orlando in a short-quarter double-header. Yes, that means the Gator jayveei finished For Florida supporters, that may not be much but it's a whole lot better than it has been. No, Fisher won't be activated to varsity status in a move to avert final defeat at Miami Saturday and a winless season. Larry Ochab gets that final chance to keep the Gators from finishing with the worst record in major college football this year, except for Pennsylvania, if Pennsylvania counts. Penn is over and done at 0-9-0.

Florida is 0-9-1 going against what may be a jet-lagged Miami, just back from Japan. Meanwhile, We End ll-O-O. It's over and like FSU and Ohio State and Brigham Young, The ole Morning After wound up with a perfect record in its fall-long weekly competition with women forecasters. You know the game. Each week, the M-A, representing men everywhere, accepted the challenge of a woman of high place, or of great achievement, in the prognosticating competition to reaffirm male superiority in something.

It worked and it worked perfectly. But, it wasn't easy. The final opponent, Mrs. Eddie DeBartolo, wife of the owner of the San Francisco 49ers, very nearly pulled an upset comparable to Virginia ing Georgia. 1 She and I differed only on six selections and of those six, she missed four and I missed only two.

The oiw DeBartolo pick that did her in was one of devotion, which so often has happened in this competition. She picked her 49ers to beat the Los Angeles Rams. They almost did, but they didnt and victory was ours fqr the week and for the year. Huzzah, for Men everywhere! Also, These. More than just victory rides on the outcome of the Tampa Bay-San Fran-'cisco game out there Dec.

9. Mayor Larry Stone of Sunnyvale, has made a wager with Tampa Mayor assistant and pro assistant before becoming a pro head coach." As an assistant, Bum studied under two masters Paul (Bear) Bryant then at Texas and Sid Gillman, at first with the San Diego Chargers and in 1974 as the Oilers' defensive coordinator when Gill-man was the head coach. The next year Bum took over as the Oilers' head coach with his friendly, folksy image. "He makes it fun," Peppier says. "He kids with the players a lot but he won't put up with any foolishness.

He's a lot more critical of them than they think he is. But the smart ones know if they don't do the job, they'll be looking for job. He's had some trying situations." Early this season Dan Pastorini was unable to play because of a shoulder ailment. Gifford Nielsen guided the Oilers to a 20-6 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs by completing I2-of-18 passes for 173 yards and one touchdown, but the coach was not about to create a two-quarterback situation. "Pastorini," he announced firmly, "is my quarter lack." As the Oilers' general manager, Phillips was equally decisive in arranging the trade with the Tampa Bay Bucajieers that produced Earl Campbell, the Heisman Trophy running back.

The Los Angeles Rams and the Cowboys were hoping to obtain the No, 1 choice from Tampa Bay in last year's draft, but the Oilers got it in exchange for Jimmy Giles, a tight end, and three draft choices, including their own first-round selection, which the Bucs used to select Doug Williams, their current quarterback. Both the Oilers and Bucs have prospered from that trade. "OtheV clubs wanted Campbell," said Peppier, "but Bum got him. Bum looks for his kind of players. Kids who might not have quite the ability of other players but who more than make up for it with their competitive nature and effort" The Oilers still have Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia to play.

If the Oilers' do win all three, they will assure themselves of the borne-field advantage If they qualify for the AFC championship game, which they lost last season in Pittsburgh in an ice storm, 34-5, after having 'defeated Miami and New England in the playoffs. The victory over the Dolphins was significant because Phillips rates Shula as the NFL's best coach. "Shula can take his'n and beat your'n," Bum says, "or he can take your'n and beat his'n." But what the Oilers' coach does not say is that in his five games against Shula's team, the Oilers have won four, including the last three. What does a man named Bum know? By DAVE ANDERSON New York Times NEW YORK For those who like to think they know sports trivia, who is Oail Andrew Phillips? Before you give up, the answer is Bum Phillips, the coach who has turned the eyes pf Texas toward Houston instead of Dallas. After his Oilers stunned the Cowboys, 30-24 oA Thanksgiving Day, he suggested "the Cowboys may be America's team, but the Oilers are Texas' team and that's better." The Oilers also are tied for the American Conference Central'i first-place spot after Pittsburgh defeated Cleveland Sunday, and Oail (pronounced O-el) Andrew Phillips is living truth you cant judge a book by its cover or a coach by his image.

Ever since Bum Phillips began pacing the Oilers sideline in his cowboy hat and cowboy boots, some football traditionalists have sneered that he does not even look like a coach. To the traditionalists, Tom Landry looks like a coach in his snap-brim fedora and tailored sports jacket, Don Shula looks like a coach in his golf shirt and slacks and Chuck Noll looks like a coach in his warm-up jacket and scowl. But ol' Bum has on that cowboy getup and he has that nickname that his younger sister Edrina created when her attempt to pronounce "brother" came out "bumble" and later "bum." What does a man named Bum know? The answer is, he knows football and he knows people, which are all he-has to know. And to stand Bum Phillips, all anybody else has to know is he usually leaves his Cadillac in the garage and drives his pick-up truck to work. "Pick-up trucks," he likes to say, "is one of the five things in life that I know something about." He identifies the other four as cold beer, barbecued ribs, gumbo and chewing tobacco.

"He forgets to mention football" says Pat Peppier, the Oilers' assistant general manager. "He has a tremendous knowledge of football." Peppier has been one of the National Football League's premier personnel directors for nearly two decades. When the Green Bay Packers were winning championship's with Vince Lombard! as coach, Pep- pier was their personnel director. When the Miami Dolphins were winning championships with Shula as coach, Peppier was their personnel director. "My Job is not to rate them, it's how they rate me," Peppier says with a laugh, "but the common denominator of Bum, Vince and Don is their football knowl- edge.

If you analyze Bum's background, it's very similar to what Vince's was high school coach, college See THE MORNING AFTER, Page 6C Houston Coach Bum Phillips: You can't judge a book by its cover. UPI Photo.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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