Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

RICHMOND AND NEW-Yt)RK ft lutb or uottTi, Outing from this fori in Regular Succession, sU Pchr. Taut tv Walter Thorp, Uyio Kkit, Daniel Howell, Do. ErroRT, John Bell, Do. Planter, Eliada Baldwin, Do. FAinrtat.R, Timothy Cofin, Do.

Do. Richmond Packet, Burr Knapp, Do. Hornet, John Gould, Do. For freight or pawn ire, apply to DAVENPORT, ALLEN Co. WictiinowLjJmw 1 till.

Kulhtrfoord's Buildings, Orv St Jpat RcccivcH IronTTrancoT Pectoral Balaamic Paste The beneficial effects of this Paste, known a long time before it was made public, and its subsequent sreoess, have procured it the reception with which it has been honored ever since its first appearance. It is highly beneficial to porsons afflicted with catarrhs, coIBs, consumptions, and all diseases oPthe lungs. In asthma, cither in old or young patients, tills preparation employed in rather large doses, especially at uight, when going to bed. has frequently effected a complete cure, and constantly procured sleep, and rendered expectoration abundant and easy. In coughs which accompany and follow measles; in mo whooping cough it is productive of the most dosir able effect.

It is also useful to persons who arc obliged to speak professionally in public. Many ot the public journals, and sonic of tbo most eminent physicians in have given Basic a most fl.itteringrecommendation. A constant supply will bo kept by the subscriber at hia Book and Stationery Store, warranted genuine. KANXAY. Perfumery, JUST received, the following, viz: genuine French, in bottles of a great vsrioty ol shapes; Florida water; aromatic vinegar; honey water; French and English soaps; burning pnrtcllcs.

intended for burning in sick moms, which when lighted emit a most fragrant odour; pearl powder; rouge in pots; vinegar ot rouge; BIncnssar oil; oik nuinc otto of rose, and milk of roses. C. McNEMARA. Summer Walking Shoes, OF Superior quality-juet received, and for sak by GRANNIES SON BROTHERS. THE BLUE BOOK, A REGISTER of and Agents, Civil, Military, Naval, in the service of the United States, on the 30th Sept.

1829; together with the names, force, and condition of all the ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built. Prepared at the Department of State by order of Congress. A few copies received by aP St CO. SALE, The Houso and Lot on Church-HiTi: the property of John Parkhill, and now occupancy of Mr. Joseph S.

James. The lot bas been lately enclosed, and the house is now uudereoina a thorough repair. There is a fine Yard and Garden a Coat and houee, btable and Carnage house, all of brick. The present occupant has a lease on the premises two years, but this wdl not affect the sale, ns may be had in twelve shall have been completed. Application to be made to C.

Tu ttVUKS Ob' HOUSES. by Juo. Grlgg, hut riom the best inlHrmaliou the serttrer can get from persons near the city, who are competent udgos, be is wttrraated saying that it is decidedly the treattte on the subject to be found in print, end to rmbiace nothing in its table of coutetju but what treated ol in a masterly style. It would be superfluous to soy that those who justly onntedate that animal florae, will (iud this a most dcsirabin little voiunio. Price 75 cenps.

For wit, hy JOHX H. NASH. REN A DA puncheons UreiTal da rum, a c.ioico article, represented so bciuo yonr8 old, fur sale at retail, by If. DREW, rules hoklen in the the superior court of chancery for tha district, the 3d day of May, 1830: Stephen D. 1 tiller and Mary his wife, phfa.

against William M. lay lor, his own light and as administrator with the of Edmund Taylor, John P. Taylor, and others, 1 The defendant Jno. P. Taylor not having entered nis appearance and given security according to the act of Assembly and the rules of this court, and it appearing, by satisfactory evidence, that he is not so inhabiant of this country: it is ordered, (list the said defendant do appear hereon the first day of the next term snd answer the bill of the plaintiff; ami that copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in the city of Kichmond, fbr two nto and posted at the front door of the former Capitol, in the city of Williamsburg.

JP A Tejte, ED. c. c. Ill 11'iuocer Of unity March 21th 115 JO ATHANIEL P. BOWE, and Hector Dowc, in fants, under the age of twenty one years, by llector Davig, their uncle, and next friend, pita ngainut Susanna Bowe.the widow of Nathaniel wire-, Nathaniel Itavis and Martha hia wife, Jesse O.

Yarbrough and hi. wife, Hudson M. Wingfield and Sophia wile, John B. Green and Elizabeth his wife, Harriet l.owe, Emily ft. Bowr, Benjamin Wingfield, trustee for Susanna M.

Prrrin, the said femes-covert and erne-sole, being daughters and devisees of the said Nathaniel llowe, and Mortimer Goddin and I homas II. Goddin, infant children of Amanda Goddm, a daughter and devisee of ibe said Nathaniel Bowr, The bill and answer of all the dfta. except Nathaniel Davis and Martha Davis his wife, being filed, and "lie na.d Nathaniel Davis and Martha his wife, not having entered their appearance and given security according to the net of Assembly and rules of this court, and it to the satisfaction of the court that Ihev are not inhabitants of this commonwealth, it is order, cd, the Slid dfta Nathaniel Davis and Martha bis Wile, do appear here on the first day of May court next, and answer the bill of the pltfa and order be forthwith the Ct newspaper published in the city Ur two months and dial another copy be posted at the front door of the court house of this county. A Copy. Testily C0Urt R.

c. n. I Arthur Clayton, against. The defendant Pendleton Harwood I It tH.h wcunty according faw the rules of this court, and it apprising to thT of the court, that lie is not an inhabitant this State, on the motion of the plaintiff hy hfacnwnseH ordered, that the aaid defendant do appe.rX bill fhT Courl answer the bill of the plaintifTj and that a oopy of this Birih.ith inserted in Richmond months successively, and posted at the front door hr Courthouse of this county on some court day. A copy.

Teste 1 lOlfv HUNTER, c. c. HnndolpV, ttu tho 7l Mr" Method tho Soul of Mi nngemciit Fourth edition with and publishnrl i Ml. reduced price, hy CoCTS Irish Linen Stora i PERSONS wanting 4-4 Irish from 23 per yard to extra supartor, will bo snpplrad with them in quantity, by tho piecw, lialffdsce or yard. ia one caso of vary aaparior win finish sheeting well deserving the attention or gentle nen wishing a first rato AU li purchased from the subscriber, are warranted pure linen, gran bleach and free from nuy itnperfeo- 1 tion, for sale at vary reduced prices, at R.

H. Linen and Fancy Dry Good Store Crutlcn'i Concordance. A Complete Concordance to tho Holy of i New or, a Dictionary Alphabetical Index to ths Bible: very useful to all liridtians who seriously read and study the inspired writings, dsc. A new edition with many im Eirtant at about £the cost or the ondon Edition, and fully as well published, and for by J. NASH.

pioUITY JURISPRUDENCE tho High Mid Court of by George Jeremv, for aale D. SANXAY. best ciikwTm; itWAccoinov For by H. MrNKM ARA. School book Repository.

COLLINS CO. have just opened the fallowing valuable School Start Spelling which more than 100,000 copies have been sold within the last threo Tho following ate selected from among numorous recommendations for this work. Extract from the American Journal of Education, Boston. many which Dictionary bo. by scholars of the middle class, it has unaccountably been customary to make use, in the youngest class, of a spelling book entirely at war with principles.

This oversight is the cause of much trouble, and much waste of time, in building up, and pulling down, and the first effort might erect a perfect fabric at once. The spelling book before us, is intended to accomplish this object. Or its success we have no doubt. The utmost care has been bestowed on its arrangement. In several other particulars which our limits will not permit us to mention, it presents equal merit.

The internal charac ter of the book corresponds, in a respects, to the neatness and care of its Improved valuable little work isnnw stereotyped, and can be furnished in any quantity at slioit notice. 7 ntCOMMKJSn from J. Stowoll, Principal of the School, in New Havrn. I have perused the Improved Header, which yon handed me for examination, with much satisfaction, i It contains mucli useful commimicMted in such a manner, as both to instruct snd please the of defining such words as the child is supposed not fully to understand, is one which ought to be adopted in all elementary books for chil. J.

STOWKLL. iub mono American Review. intending to make any invidious comparison with other works of thia class, we can say witb (ruth, that it is certainly well adapted to the purpose for which it is intended by its highly deserving author, and may be recommended to the attchtioa of Paienta and Lessons in Greek Parsing or Outlines nf Greek as an Introduction to the studA thf by Professor of Rhetoric and in Yale College, flF.COM ME NO AT loss I I rom Mr. Storfifart, teacher of Greek in the Neio UaI ven Gymnasium. Messrs.

Durria and compliance with your request, I have examined in Greek Parsing and I cheerfully express my decided approbation of the plan and execution of the work Combining the outlines of Greek and Grammar, with appropriate exercises upon the various reflections, it cannot fad to increase the interest, and faciliate ibe progress of in acquiring the elements of the language. 1 it valuable introduction to the to other with which I am acquainted. Yours, etc. A. STODDARD N.

Haven Gymnasium, May 28, 1829. i From i. L. Kingsley, Professor of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin Languages in l'ale College. I have examined the in Greek and agree with Ur.

Stoddard it) his opinion of this I J. L. CWCSLKY. ale Collcgo, August I-lth, 1829. The Principal of the Utica Academy, writes as fob lows: work of tliis kind long been wanted in our schools; and it is believed that the present little volume will supply the deficiency.

The plan of the work is such ns every teacher must approve. It begins with the pupil, by psrsmg in easy sentences tho different parts of speech separately, as ho learns their inflections, and leads him by ao easy progress of ap plying each rule of etymology and syntax, as he advances to a familiar and thorough knowledge of the grammar. The exercise in mutual translation add much to the value of the work; as experience abundantly that theso exercises cannot be introduced at too early a period in learning the language." Elements yf Astronomy, Descriptive and the general phenomena of tho heavenly bodies and the theory ot the tides are familiarly explained and illustrated, by numerous from engravings oo copper plates. The work is designed to facilitate the study of a science peculiarly useful, interesting, and and is intended for schools academies, seminaries of young lyceuma, and for private reading. By Ifervy Wilbae, A.

-Hmvnn ip inr hook nj Wherein to read Ini wondrous wtJHrs. Plant nml Domestic SkKcha, ora vitit to the rectory of Milltoume Dale, in 2 volt. following remark is from the Sabbatb School I Herald. have ourselves, been much gratified and beneflited by the perusal of tins work, and believe that it would form a valuable accession to a Sunday 9chool Library. of a selection of compiled chiefly for use in the Baptist Churches and Conferences, by U.

M. Pastor of the Baptist Church in New Haven. This litttle work is recommended by the Baptist Convention of Connecticut and New York. For RENT. igA The commodious and conveniently Lumber House, on 13th jnsisjW1" occupancy of Messrs Wortham if Cruder, noar the Riots tho subscribers, will be for rent on the 1st next terms apply to RALSTON it PLKSANT3 Folio Paper.

A rEW of superior Post, at an inferior price, received by J. 11. NASH dug 27 hi- lbs of Baltimore 11. fined sugar at reduced prices, b7 JAMES WINSTON. Sug 21 Iconthnrt for tain, YOUI.ES’ patent rhnt, all sizes iUO hags Rio roffeo 20 brls white Havnnna sugars Extra fine gunpowder ton in cherts in 0 lbs boxse ami lb leads 400 low pric-vl to Lop Co.

Molussci, dec. A Hi Croix sugar 20 do Trinidnd molasses sides goal leather 72 calf skins 100 boxos bunch raisins 20 bbls prime pork A casks port wins 60 pieces cotton by 10 LEWIS WFBH A alono. I alone, patronage it expected, 1 look fbr rapport Book, a periodical, published monthly, 4nd very large octavo, and illustrated by.ovrral engravings, of the fashions, tic. advance. Ladioeare rampoet fully invited to call and see tbe firat number which will be sufficient to ensure their patronage to the work.

H. NASIt JAMES WINSTON, Merchant, Market Bridge,) IIAS on couaignruont and Iba. best Stnilhfirld bacon and roe horrings liht.8. of superior New O. molasses 2 hhda.

of stone ware, assorted 100 heavy sun-dried hides (very low) 400 iba. of 6tout sole leather SO of quart and pint bottles ICO boxes of soap and candles 100 reams of good printing paper 100 reams of wrapping paper 10 balewof rawfcoltou 1000 lbs. of cottoif )aro, and moro daily ex reeled 100 barrels efPxar 10000 feet flooring plank and railing cces ant) half pieces cotton baijeiuir Jirrols of Newark cider do vinegar ega of lanl, in shipping order cigars, at castor oil, bed and sash cord, and loading lines, Spanish olives, family flour, wire sieves die. die. "gent for a wire manufactory iu Baltimore will order (froo of commission) wovo wire work of nil kinds for VYillium Prince, prop'ietorof tha Linnmn Botanic Garden.

Flushing, Long Island, will order any thing in his iiue. june 4 AUGUST FASHIONS. To tho Ladies. JUST recelvod by tho Packet Kffort, the follow ing rich and desirable flo; fellas. I ishitll.

pelereins, and of the newest style Square lace a new and fashionable article Quilling or footing laces Rich gimp and extra wide trimming laces Worked musliu fluuncingg Gngliah thread laces anu edgings Bobbinett do 4-4 5-4 white and black, fino and supetiinc- bob bmett laces Lace and mull caps and crazy jeans Ertce cuffs nnd inuil sleeves, entice new articles Rich book and mull robes Damask silk and cunbroidcred crapo nhawls, a magnificent article i.uuograpnio scarfs and zephyr Gauze scarfs und handkerchiefs, uow style New style belt ond guard ribbons Silk and cotton Welts Cambric netts and an extonsivo assortment of all kinds of ladies' gioves Imperial gauze veils, a new article French merino gauze flannel. The above, with a general assortment of fancy and Dry Goods, received by previous the New York offered for sale at very reduced at Irish Linen and Fancy Dry 'Goods Store. Maine Street. SUGAR, BACON, A Ilhds Porto Rico sugar HhO lbs. bacon 16 casks Sicily Madeira wioo 12 kegs saltpetre 5 bbla- ng to-day.

and for salo, bv LEWIS WEBB Co. Southern Review. NO. 11 Review No Book Nos. 9.

10. 12 and 13 Portrait Gallery No. I Entertaining Knowledge No. 2.3 Joiirnal of Health And inanv others, received by II NASH. Fourth Reports.

KEPORTM of cases argued and adjudged in tho Supreme Court of tho United Bta'ca, January t. rm, 1(130. By Richard Peters, Counsellor at Law ami Reporter of tho decisions of the Supreme Court of the Uni cd Stales. Voi. 4ih, just published.

Also, vols 1, 2, and 3, for solo by JOHN H. NASH. hite Seed Beads. a ffre'u coloured scod received at tho Book and Fancy Store of RANXAY. Morgan Mrap.

I a supply celebrated tW Razor Strap, possesbing rBre and valuable quaR 8ANXAY. aug 27 ISobbinct Luce Veils. II JENKINS received by the ao additional supply of rich black and white bobbinct laco roils, white gauze and superior black Italian crapa green barregc and ganzo for he ofTers for sale at very reduced prices, at trial. Linen nod Fancy Dry bood Storey MatnJkreet. tUj? ,0 Sugar, Cofl'ce, 250 Coffre vnrious qualities) ao hhds.

dry New sugar (cheap) 15 do do Porto Rico do 17 do do St. Croix do prime 42 Orleans molasses 60 bbla. and Baltimore whiskey 500 mcks best Liverpool lillcd blown 650 aides oak and hemlock, taned soal leather. For snlo by PLEASANTS. Middling Bacou.

A Few Extra Middlings Bacon. niay bn had on application to JAMES WINSTON. I 8 By hia Union. I Ml a Journal Qj hi. Tour through the North of Europe, extract, from his correspondence.

and a history of for the benedt of the family of Bishop richer, by the New Protestant Episcopal an in "ur by COLLINS CO. Am Walter Coluton: Olnin0' Ry Author Of irausr-, 4tC published, for sale by tfc Cof I splendid Album. LLI NS 1,0. hare just received an Alburn description, splendidly tn Arabesque MoroflCo nug2i 3 I UBtikUS, t.or,of Waldkarh, in the Bau do la Roche. I pob tshed and foraale, by 10 COLLINS CO stToTTR dTfl A CoN.

Hrids prime 8t. Croix sugar Iba bacon, for ash- by lrwis Webb a 10nI5on superior Lori4 don I ortcr, in pint and quart sale bv T. H. DREW, Agt. lecnveu, by uieeubkiv bef, fmh supply of Panacea.

V. McNKMARv HUGH C. McNEMAKA AS fust received, and offers for sale, the folUU-W fresh highly approved VALUABLE MEDICINES. Frerenfion better than (Jure. ANTI-IIILIOFN FILLS.

hits box. of Fills IS perfectly mild, so as to lie used persons in every situation, and of every age. I he proprietor confidently rrcommends the timely uso of these pills, as a preventive and cure of Bilious, Yellow, and Malignant Kovels. Op" inquire for 'LEE'S AMTT-RtHOUH PIUS, widTlhe signature of JYUAH ItWdKLY. (leto Michael Lee (K.

ns none other are gentium. Elixir, a sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate cuterrhs asthmas, sore throats and consumptions Nervous Cordial, an excellent medicine for all nervous weakness pems in tlie loins, back. Ate. Essence of medicine eves excelled this In rheumatism, sprains, hiuisea, frosted leet, Ac. Lee Ague and Fever Drops, a never failing cure. Sovereign Ointment, warranted to cure the ITCH by one application. Lee 1 ersian lotion, an excitlrnt medicine lor curing tetters, ring worms, prickly heat, Ac. Vegetable Indian SpcciCc, an effectual cure fur tlie cnereal and Cionorrhoea Footh-ache gives immediate relief Fowder, which cleanses and lieautilies the teetb. I.ce Eye certain euro for sore ryes Anodyne Elixir-for the cure of head aches. Lcctst orn removing and destroying corns.

Country merchants and all others who purchaso to tell ogam, by applying to the proprietor. No 68, Hanover street, Haltunoie, can obtain them on such liberal terms ns will insure i them a great profit None are genuiue without the name to them, Noah Ridgblt; (late Michael A Op- Hundreds of cases ofeures performed by the nboro truly valuable medicines, could Ire given, did the limits of a paper admit of it VH.C. Will constantly fresh a Medicines, at his Apothecary and Drug Hiahmnn.L niw Remedy for the Piles. MMHE efficacy ot this valuable Mcclicmo in cases of external and internal hemorrhoidal affections been abundantly proved ond established It is i.ff rod with the fullest confidence, as a remedy tliat will eflect a speedy relief in all cases of this nature That this medicine will remove the from which the piles have arisen, is fully demotisi rated by the numerous testimonials of persons tvho were cured by it many ycats Bince, and have had no return of the disease. medicine is put up in two distinct parcels, one I tor external and the other for internal piles, which can be had separate, as the cast- may requtrp For sale by JOHN H.

BLA MIRE. I Opposite the uoor. Vegetable Family Pills. i Iticacy of thceo incunparnblo Fills or family physic, has been fully by more than twenty years experience They are pronounced by many eminent physicians, who uso them in thoir praciice. superior their kind and beneficial I on human systom, to any other yet offered to the public, more parijcularly for live complaints mentioned below, most of which are occn stoned by diseases of the liver, and derangement the functions of the digestivo organs.

Frequent or nervous head aches; costive habits; jaundice, or bilious stato of the stomach; dizziness; foul stomachdyspepsiT or indigestion; richness at the stomach- loss of appetite; fiatulance; griping; eholiC; dropsy; in short for every disordered state oftho stomach and bowels requiring cathartic medicine. Their operation is mitd. and yet they effectually remove all obstructions ot the bowels, strengthen the stomach, and excite the appetite, with little disturbance in the system Those gills contain no mercury, but are prepared wholly from vegetables, and there is no danger attending the use of them to either age or sex, under any circumstances whore physic is necessary For sale by JOHN RLA MIRE, the Eagle door. Drugs, Medicines, The subscriber has rccciveil a part ot his Spring supply of Drugs, Medicines, ate. and expects to receive the remainder by the first arrivals from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore He docuiH lt wiperflnous to say any thing by way puffing iho good qualities of the he offers I for of 00 Hie prices, those who wish to purchase generally choose to be their own judges.

I ho public hnvo a right to expect every thing they buy to be good, but it is very unusual to hear the Crnlrom if tho article called for should not be the best of tho kind in the market. object is, therefore, to keep the best he can buj and sell them as low as ho can afford. H. CMeNEMARA. reruived from the Chemical Ware im.

of Carpenter, Philadelphia, iho follow w.h«b, among many oihor chemical nmclos 5ttof rn by u-hich iho water can he in all rerpects, to that taken from the 911 Compound Fluid Kxtract of for preparing in few minines the Lisbon diet drink. 1 18 Compound: Syrup or Liverwort, a safe and valuable modi, cino for routing of blood, consumption and liver com made uw of for iheabovodie. raofa ating nature, composed generally ol resme and in alcoholic which although i "very instance where they nre W'1'91" reduce the meneVof he can Is.made from me fresh plant, end the considoiably improved the KK "raled Kali, for making the saline draunht of neutral ture. one drachm of salt dissolved in tuiir of wnit-r a mixture similar and equal in every reject "ne1 blue n.lf. i extemporaneously makin- the mil f0Unh equal to three grain, of -m 5- Th" active preparation of the fenf 'rffl 80,1,1 action of Ar strength by the addition of inefficient articles- it is much approved of hy the faculty Caution The Rom of Co evaporating the is entirnlv inert forpreKmnTjStoJSS.f108 to ,0 in rh'8 addition tohsham ropaiva ssxtssssfrrjistsr than Pi ack PppTr rh'a murh mor" active preparation rr ll ela.

adde twurfrnp. Site. of Ji Superior Red Hark. And Ttnctttro J'Ompouml I oufc Kxirart Kxtract of Stramonium. Acetate, sulphate and purrs Muriate and Oxide of Cold.

Riperine, Kmetine, Supuline, Miryc.hlne Bn(, HUOW McM.MA UA. nf Prime Winter of rained Lamp Oil for by (' M.NKMARA OINTMENT. 'be a bo vo mmM. tinned article. with which he will fot tho future be regularly supplied.

II. c. MeNRMARA SAHATOGA AND SODA WATERS At Apothecary sZe oppofic the Eagle Hotel. tho pleasure ot informing his former and prevent cuttornere liboralljreupported Fountain.) and gencraily.tlia1 improvement, have lately been ot apparatus, which he by many years expcriruco in Norfolk and hero saying, haa given to the water of hia Fountain a equalled purity not bo it And to' accommodate his price to the timco. and to put it in the power of the poor as well ae the rich ln oldc'Lm nishing them whon they honor him with a call, to nllav their thirst, or refresh themselvee, with a trlaas of that most pleasant, exhilarating and healthy erage.

Ins pure, fragrant and fresh Soda, cold as ico can make it, and with syrup of the choicest, kinds, when admirably calculated an I an an ojituloto against the languid cflfects of tho summer on both the body and the mind is not in the coy a place half so sweet. As my fount here tho air and the pure waters meet: Oh, its sparkling and Ibain are as bright and as free As phosphoric light of ihe summer sea. rt not like wmo, -hat to dark and to red. Wreathes ns foul tumes around the wild bead Who, maudlin, confesses Ins beverage unblovt piace, airectioui and rest. the poiton, all daily poured forth.

As a curse to ou land from tho south to the north: Oh, no, not like these, for as ether pure. And us fragranre. and freshness, and virtue aro surew when the summer hiSi, bn fierce the the ThZ nk" moiltena refreshing, so cooling Si newspaper for the 1 r0fl" for publishing in the City of Washington a WREKI.Y NEWSPAPER, in near containing eight pages, devoted entirely to the diarcz'zi i stssar apidkvg the number of newspaper daily issued to the public in the D.stnct of CoJnmbia, the undersigned kre under the impre.sion that TrulV: to Put finishing nk to the literary chain, (if they may be permitted to use a figure,) which will then encircle tho miles square Of the papers published here, with one solitirj that one is of such a character as not to interfere, in the slightest degree, with their proposed is the beginning, tho middle, and the order of tho tho complete exclusion all reading of a more refined and imaginative description- those more polished and elegant germs of impart instruction, while they give life and animation to the aocial circle. It will be observed above, that the undersigned pro. poae to depart somewhat from the beaten track oi br Vel1 Editors, in tho District; and, for that purpose, have determined to devote their time md talents, suck as they possess, entirely to the amusement and instruction of the fairet portion of creation.

Why thi. object has been to lit regarded by the conductors of the Press in three cities, is a matter of surprise to every one. The undersigned will not attempt to form a reason for thin neglec lest prejudice might deem them unjust to profession. It is a fact, that the ladiea of llie District of Columbia have evinced abundant subscriptions to papers of thischarar. ter, published in the northern cities; a circumstance which shows that something of this kind is wanting nearer home, to dispel ennui, and amuse the mind, iu the hours of relaxation from the more engrossing cares of female Itfe.

Why shall we not, ty, anticipate a reasonable share of patronage from tfin matrons and maids of our In to we shall, of a universal satisfaction" if We fail, we must look for indulgence from tliosi who. we are sure, will be always willing to extenH us, our fair patrons. Our paper be i refined most approved refined literary publications of the present and bv. "le We, hoPe exhibit such judg. ment in these as to satisfy our fair readers that wo I have their improvement as well as their heart, we pledge ourselves that nothing will appear in our pages which shall cause the mantling blush to fuse the fair check of the 5 promises of assi.tance from aeveral hterTiv hulies and gr nlemcn of high standing, moreover and i hope, by the.r courtesy, to be able to present to readers, occasionally, a choice Original Tale and beautiful Of the appellations suited to a publication like the one here proposed we have chosen a.

most in* with our.plan, which will be to give, at every turn constant succession of ever.varying, but still bwISh.l -ml pleasing, forms and reflections. As a famtskeS of the nature of our work, we beg leave to present tj following analysis, priori:" 1 and sc Memoirs of distinguished females, in the various part me of public and private life; A journal of the fashions, home and foreign, in oil their vast varieties: mi Excerpts, from the best authors; Anecdotes, of the more refined cast; witty excellent ought crilici9m3 popular perform original and well selected poetry, in which nty of the legitimate Muse alone will be cherished In politics--without having any thing to Bay in favor ourselves to the unconditional whenever fully and fairly And last, though not least, we propose to admit no advertisements, such only excented in which our fair Jn iXresl noitKHT If. MADRA, City of Ve" C' uo.u,.r,rpp,n, will be published and delivered to subscribers In city and Georgetown on Friday eveninr For subscribers at a distance, they will be mailed Tmi mediately on publication. I he first a specimen of the work-will appear on Friday the 2d day of April next. ofV.

ll holdcu in the clerk's oflien of the superior court of chancery for tnond district, the 2d day of August, 1830, Samuel Pulliam, of JoItn w. Smith, and other against Kflmund Routes, Augustine dec.b Piomas T. Webb and Harriet his wife simnei Charlci i is and Matilda his wife, dftg and CliSeT'r Edwin hlv.nW Matilda Ins wife, not ntv Zcmlr1' and given aeourules id it nT 'he evidence it "nd by aatifcfactory 'hat tlirr are not inhabitants of this country: LTi0. defemlants do appear here bill Of nf answer the i COpy of riiwnh inserted in some newspaper published in pcity of Itirhmnnd, for two months successively posted at ihe front door of the eapitol. in the said A copy.

Teste g. PwMury, Muranlmm Marsnliam for isle by nnf! MS. WlNRtOlt.

Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.